From Novice to GSoC 2023 Mentee: My Journey

From Novice to GSoC 2023 Mentee: My Journey

Hello everyone, today, I am thrilled to share my incredible journey of achieving the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) certification and being selected for the prestigious Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program. Join me as I reflect on the challenges I overcame, the lessons I learned, and the immense pride I feel in reaching these milestones.

  1. The Desire to Master Kubernetes: Ever since I embarked on my journey in the field of technology, I have been captivated by the power and potential of Kubernetes. Recognizing its significance in modern-day infrastructure management, I set my sights on becoming a proficient Kubernetes administrator. This burning desire laid the foundation for my achievements.

  2. Commitment and Preparation: Becoming a CKA-certified professional requires dedication and extensive preparation. I dedicated countless hours to studying the official Kubernetes documentation, completing online courses, and practicing in realistic lab environments provided by KodeKloud. The journey was challenging, but the pursuit of knowledge kept me motivated.

  3. Overcoming Challenges: The path to success is often marked with obstacles, and I have certainly encountered my fair share of them. From navigating intricate networking configurations to troubleshooting complex cluster issues, each challenge presented an opportunity to test and sharpen my problem-solving skills. While I faced a setback during my initial attempt at the CKA certification, falling short by a mere 1%, I refused to be disheartened. Instead, I wholeheartedly embraced these hurdles as catalysts for personal growth and actively sought guidance and support from online communities like Kubesimplify.

  4. A Triumph of Knowledge: After 2 months of intense preparation, the day of the CKA exam arrived. With confidence in my abilities and armed with comprehensive knowledge, I faced the exam head-on. The exam's real-world scenarios challenged my understanding of Kubernetes concepts, but I tackled each task with composure and applied my skills to overcome them. This was because I practiced harder after failing my first attempt on the mock exams provided by KodeKloud. This time I was able to clear my CKA certification with 91% and that was a defining moment of pride and accomplishment.

  5. Google Summer of Code: Being selected for the GSoC program was an absolute dream come true. This incredible opportunity provides a unique platform for talented students like myself to collaborate with experienced mentors and make valuable contributions to open-source projects. Initially, I was hesitant about participating in GSoC 23, doubting whether my skills were sufficient. However, everything changed when I had the pleasure of connecting with Akshat Jain (GSoC 22 Mentee OpenSUSE) during a Twitter space. He passionately spoke about his organization and the specific skills needed for the project, leading me to realize that I possessed all the necessary abilities to take part. When the GSoC organizations were announced, OpenSUSE dedicated a webpage to GSoC, offering comprehensive information about all the projects and arranging weekly meetings with mentors. I took the opportunity to introduce myself to Bryan Gartner, the mentor for the project, who kindly provided me with an introduction to Rancher—an exceptional container management platform for Kubernetes. As a test of my skills, Bryan requested that I deploy a WordPress application on a k3s cluster, seamlessly integrated with Longhorn. Throughout the application period, I eagerly experimented with various tools, diligently worked on my project, and actively participated in the weekly meetings, seeking guidance and keeping Bryan updated on my progress. Although I couldn't complete my mini-project before the proposal deadline, I made sure to include all the details of my progress in the proposal itself. Even after submitting my proposal, I remained dedicated to making further advancements, eventually completing my project a week before the GSoC mentee selection results were announced. At this point, it no longer mattered to me whether I would be chosen for GSoC, as I had already forged a strong relationship with my mentor and acquired an abundance of knowledge. I was determined to contribute to the project regardless of my GSoC selection status. However, in the end, I was immensely thrilled to discover that I had been selected. It became evident that my skills and consistent efforts were the main factors contributing to my selection, both of which are crucial attributes for success in this esteemed program.

  6. The Road Ahead: As I embark on this thrilling GSoC journey, I am keenly aware that the upcoming challenges will differ from those I encountered during my CKA certification. However, equipped with the valuable knowledge and unwavering determination I have acquired, I am genuinely confident in my ability to overcome any obstacles that may arise. This remarkable experience will undoubtedly have a transformative impact on my career, unlocking doors to an array of exciting opportunities. Moreover, upon successfully completing my GSoC project, I am eager to continue expanding my skill set, pursuing additional certifications, undertaking captivating projects, collaborating with diverse organizations, and documenting my journey through various social media platforms and engaging blogs.

Conclusion: As I reflect upon my journey towards becoming a CKA-certified professional and being selected for GSoC, my heart overflows with gratitude for the unwavering support I have received from my mentors, friends, and the vibrant open-source community. I am particularly indebted to Kunal Kushwaha and Saiyam Pathak, whose invaluable guidance has played an instrumental role in my accomplishments. These achievements signify not only personal triumphs but also serve as a testament to the profound impact of perseverance, unwavering dedication, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. My sincere hope is that my story serves as an inspiration to others, encouraging them to fearlessly chase their passions and embrace the inevitable challenges that lie ahead. Together, we can achieve extraordinary milestones and shape a brighter future within the ever-evolving world of technology.